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Scroll To TopWerewolf (21)
Aponi_Aquene - A Night with the Big Bad Wolf [WIP] -
AshKnight | R_W_Callahan - Tooth and Claw [WIP]
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AWorldOfWonderLand - Mine [WIP]
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BellatrixLestrangey - Moon Fury [WIP]
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DarthSayahSwag - The WolfTamer: Emma
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DarthSayahSwag - The WolfTamer: Regina
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doveofpeace9910 - The Dragonborn & The Vampire [WIP]
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EvilPandaxSaviorSwan - Uada Amantes [WIP]
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fallenangel1396 - Darkness in the Light [WIP]
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Fedora Noir - OUaT Cinema: Underworld [WIP]
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jadevega - What We Share [WIP]
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keepcalmimspidey - Moon Moon [WIP]
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keepcalmimspidey - Supernatural University [WIP]
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KyuubiDarkSwanFan - Human In Animal Skin and Animal In Human Skin. [WIP]
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Loveless00 - True mate or true pain on my... [WIP]
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Oldspicelife - Painting Hooves [WIP]
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sinandmisery - you are the moon that breaks the night [and may i never see the light] [WIP]
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thingsjusthappen - Tell Me Something Good
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TransBoyWonder - Once Bitten Twice Cried
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UnderTheMoonlitDay - Of Wolves and Women [WIP]
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ZOE007 - Claws And Fangs
Western AU (13)
ABSedarian - Little Farm on the Prairie (or How Do You Thank A Cougar?)
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Adorkablenerd21 - The Bounty Hunter Part 1
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Adorkablenerd21 - The Bounty Hunter Part 2 [WIP]
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angel6200 - Sundance [WIP]
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Exquisiteliltart - A Lick and a Promise
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Gwynplayn - The Lies We Tell Ourselves [WIP]
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littleforw - Fairly Western [WIP]
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LoveWhatYouWrite - Don't Share the Cake
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LoveWhatYouWrite - Wandering Home to You
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LZClotho - A Western Welcome
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mehworld - Escaping by Moonlight
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The-Dark-Light-Queen - Story in the Old West
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Veronica1986 - Holding Out For a Hero