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Scroll To TopVampire (66)
ABSedarian - Losing Control
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adventuresinthecloset - Awakening [WIP]
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AlexRyzlinGold - Americano with a Shot of O Negative
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Amorah Leigh - Queen of Darkness [WIP]
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Aponi Aquene - Just One Bite [WIP]
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Arwen17evenstar - The Vampire Queen Regina [WIP]
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ashaelia - Bloodbound
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authorette - Welcome to the Hell Mouth
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AWorldOfWonderLand - Mine [WIP]
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caballlah - Are Those Fangs Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
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Chat-leena - The Contract
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coalitiongirl - Bloodless
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Cursed Oncer - Fangs and Flirtations
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DarthSayahSwag - The WolfTamer: Emma
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DarthSayahSwag - The WolfTamer: Regina
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daughterofOz - After Dark
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doveofpeace9910 - The Dragonborn & The Vampire [WIP]
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EvilPandaxSaviorSwan - Uada Amantes [WIP]
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EvilRegalLioness - Her Thrall [WIP]
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Fedora Noir - OUaT Cinema: Underworld [WIP]
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fireroasted - Granola
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Forbidden-Saviorx2 - Monstrous Temptations [WIP]
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gaypanic - but we would be hollow
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gaypanic - love isn't brains, it's blood
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HeleSL - Insatiable Hunger
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insanetwin - milf (mother i'd like to fang)
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It's Not An Obsession - Hiding In The Dark [WIP]
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Kamikazi-Queen - The Interview
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keepcalmimspidey - Supernatural University [WIP]
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Lady Shadow92 - Eternal Love [WIP]
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Lelila Solo - Tears of Isis [WIP]
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Loveless00 - True mate or true pain on my... [WIP]
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LoveWhatYouWrite - Half-breed [WIP]
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madammayormilf - Quiet Touch [WIP]
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maybesomedaysameen - Come to Storybrooke
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MinaMauveine - A Beneficial Guise
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Missa_Sissa - Craving [WIP]
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NegativeBlue - Hourglass
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neverenough04 - Lost Girls
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PerditusFic - Bite Me
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P_lutonium - The taste of magic
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realJane91 - The Sounds of The Guitar [WIP]
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Ryaninthesky - That Cruelty Which Yet is Love
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saron - Countess of the Crimson Hill [WIP]
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Scarlette-Rayne - Valassarera [WIP]
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seriousfic - Are Those Fangs Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?
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ShadowDianne - And then she looked at me
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ShadowDianne - Power game
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sinandmisery - you are the moon that breaks the night [and may i never see the light] [WIP]
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Skye_La - Rush of blood to the head
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Standbackufools (nohappyending4u) - Bitten
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Standbackufools - Pointed
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SweeneyTodd9972 - Vampire SwanQueen
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TheLoveOfApples - The Mills Clan [WIP]
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ThePlaceboEffects - Chasing The Sun
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TheTruthBetween - Bite Me
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thingsjusthappen - Different Happenings
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thingsjusthappen - Tell Me Something Good
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Tigerhorse717 - Cursed [WIP]
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TylerxJane - Mythology 101 [WIP]
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Velace - Life of the Damned [WIP]
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wellthizizdeprezzing - Love Me Apocalyptic [WIP] -
Witchgirl1234 - Sanguine Saviour [WIP]
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YoungTruthLP - Alternate Universes (Swan Queen Week)
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YoungTruthLP - Blood Secrets [WIP]
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ZOE007 - Claws And Fangs
Video Game AU (10)
adventuresinthecloset - Awakening [Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] [WIP]
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BulletStrong - Tempest of Blood Poetry [Assassin's Creed]
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Buttons15 - Once upon a realm [The Witcher] [WIP]
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ByTheDawn - Way Back Home [Fallout 3]
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doveofpeace9910 - The Dragonborn & The Vampire [Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] [WIP]
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GiftedPunk - Below Six [Fallout 4] [WIP]
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Shadowdianne - A forgotten promise [The Witcher] [WIP]
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Shadowdianne - Nothing is true, everything's permitted [Assassin's Creed] [WIP]
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TheTruthBetween - Lost Bo Hofkiin (Have Come Home) [Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]
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TheWalkingSwen - The Solitude Chronicle [Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] [WIP]