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Scroll To TopCaregiving (15)
AOBZ - Take a Chance on Me
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celaenos - wherein, there is a lot of puking and some netflix watching
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coalitiongirl - Thaw
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E_Panda - Regina's Ill [WIP] -
gay.panic97 - Cramps [WIP]
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inkheart9459 - Tis But a Scratch
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Jaina - Heart's Desire
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Jinxter - the same words but their sound has changed
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lildarkone - SwanQueen Week 2014
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MoonlitRamblings - Battle Wounds
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mustdefine - Sick Day
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OfEndlessWonder - Break In
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Velace - Angel Undercover [WIP]
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walking behind enemy lines - Regina's ill! [WIP]
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yellowleather - It's Just Soup and a Movie
Celebrity AU (32)
amycarey - Down The Rabbit Hole [Regina]
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Angeii_K - Love at First Tweet [Regina] [WIP]
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AsteriasGlacialis - Celebrity Big Bother [Both]
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coalitiongirl - Henry Bobblehead and Gina Molinero ft. Emma All-The-Time [Regina]
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coalitiongirl - Send Up a Signal (that everything's fine) [Both]
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etotheswan - The Bodyguard [Regina]
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EvilQueenRegina2015 - L.O.V.E. [Both]
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EvilQueenRegina2015 - More Than Friends [Both]
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evilythedwarf - Just By Looking at Her [Both]
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Exquisiteliltart - Making the Cut [Regina] [WIP]
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gals_being_pals - Supernova [Both] [WIP]
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gaypanic - somehow | it kind of blows my mind [Regina]
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happylikeafool - Stranger than your Sympathy [Regina]
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Idisch_von_Swedish - Marry Me [Regina]
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jeanyoo1 - SQW - Day 1: How they met [Regina]
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JuiceCup - Precious Love [Emma] [WIP]
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lacedparrilla - The Story Never Ends [Both] [WIP]
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LesbianCalamity - Disenchanted [Regina]
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lifein10s - Skyhigh [Emma]
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MultiFandomAnon - Fame [Series] [Regina]
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NightLady - Soaring Hearts [Regina]
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NikiFrost - GuardianQueen [Regina]
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Noname_Kat - Freshly Brewed [Regina] [WIP]
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oblivcns - All the stars recall your goodbye [Emma] -
Olivia_Janae - Colstead & Remma [Regina]
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RestEasyMyWearyHeart - Protecting Her [Regina] [WIP]
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RideAWhiteSwan - The Bodyguard [Regina] [WIP]
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SelfProclaimedFangirlKate - A Montreal Excursion [Regina]
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SelfProclaimedFangirlKate - A New Exploration [Regina]
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SelfProclaimedFangirlKate - A Serendipitous Encounter [Regina]
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SerenaMary92 - The Crowning of the Swan [Regina] [WIP]
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themetgayla - Anything But Average [Regina]
Coffee Shop AU (47)
2FaceMyFate - Enchanted Caffine
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ABSedarian - Late
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AlexRyzlinGold - Americano with a Shot of O Negative
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amycarey - Here The Whole Time
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AnaG - lattes & lace
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angstbot - Of Espresso and Ecstasy
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bi-swan-trash - SQW Day #2 Coffee Shop AU
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brokenmimir - The Wrong Seat
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dc4me44 - Barista's nightmare
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DelicatePoem - Affogato & Blueberry Muffin
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directi0n - How We Started Off
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ellacj - First Sight
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Emma_Swan - Eat Me, Drink Me
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Flash_Asuna - The Smoky Cherry
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gaypanic - gay panic rising
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GoneGravy - Falling in Love at the Coffee Shop [WIP]
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hellomissnina - The Enchanted Forest Bookstore & Café
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Idisch_von_Swedish - Take Me Away
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ivanolix - Something That I Want
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janemac24 - Espresso Shots
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junetree74 - Just A Latte
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KSQ - Tea With Regina - Swan Queen [WIP]
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LesbianCalamity - A No Foam Romance
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LZClotho - SwanQueen Coffee Shop AU
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miss009 - The Coffee Cabin [WIP]
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misscanteloupe - what's in a name?
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MoonlitMidnight - Intertwined [WIP] -
MsMills - Hot Chocolate And Cinnamon
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obsessedwithall - Once Upon A Coffee
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OnceUponASnowing - Coffee Shop Lovers
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onhowtobecrazy - Sweet Shot of Kerosene
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PhoenixRisingOnTheMoon - The Usual
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realJane91 - At The Café [WIP]
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realJane91 - Regina's Coffee Shop
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SereneCalamity - The Coffee Shop Girl in a Bar
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Seriously-Undesirable - Coffee in the Morning [WIP]
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Shadowdianne - Through mirrors and smoke: SQ Week 8, AU Worlds - Ch. 2
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SheepGoToHeavenGoatsGoToHell - And On And On It Went
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Skye_La - Tall mocha to stay
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Swanqueenbug - Hot Cocoa and Swans
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Swan_Secrets - 7:15
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Swan_Secrets - Stay The Distance
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swensicle - The Little Things
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syzygydreamland - Hazelnut Cappuccino
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themetgayla - Like Pieces Of A Puzzle
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WhispersOfSmoke - Donuts
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WintetFive49079 - 2 AM [WIP]
Crossover (53)
ABSedarian - Afterlife [Mass Effect]
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ABSedarian - Libeled Lady [Warehouse 13]
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ABSedarian - Polygraph Calibration for Beginners [Warehouse 13]
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ABSedarian - Trauma Team [Warehouse 13]
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acautionarytale - The Magic of Theatre [Harry Potter]
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AlexRyzlinGold - Not Your Everyday Duelists [Harry Potter]
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amycarey - Mirror, Mirror on the Wall [Harry Potter]
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amycarey - Spinning Matchsticks into Needles [Harry Potter]
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bellalinguista - Where You Belonged [The Fosters]
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Blondie47 - Where The Story Ends [Game of Thrones] [WIP]
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btvsobsessed623 - Slaying in Storybrooke [Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
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Caisin - Onward, Ever Striving Onward [The Worst Witch]
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cheshire6845 - After the Snap [Marvel Universe] -
Chikiko - Embassy Village [Mass Effect] [WIP]
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chipperdyke - A Light Like Love [Wicked]
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coalitiongirl - loathing is a kind of magic too [Harry Potter]
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coalitiongirl - your perfect other (your perfect opposite) [The X-Files]
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deathofamockingbird - in which you have to have a harry potter au [Harry Potter]
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deceptivelycomplex3925 - sometimes gross is good [Rizzoli & Isles]
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devlinof9 - Once Upon an Iron Throne [Game of Thrones] [WIP]
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dksculder - Once Upon An X-File [The X-Files]
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fictorium - Damage Limitation [The Avengers]
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gaypanic - we are more (to me, my X-Men) [X-Men] [WIP]
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Geekgrrllurking - The Pirate Queen [Treasure Island]
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giftofamber - A Succubus In Storybrooke [Lost Girl]
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giftofamber - Swan Queen in Larkhall [Bad Girls] -
helebette - Public Figures [Swingtown]
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hunnyfresh - Holiday Worlds [The Nightmare Before Christmas]
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Idisch_von_Swedish - Gravitation In Play [Miami Medical | House M.D.]
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inkheart9459 - The Raven's Swan [Harry Potter]
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JET_MacLeod - Monster Beneath My Bed [Monsters Inc]
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jokerssmile - Green is the New Black [Orange is the New Black] -
Joshua The Evil Guy - Soulmates [Xena: Warrior Princess] [WIP]
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KizuRai - When Super Swans meet Mills Corp [Supergirl]
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KSQ - Passionately Loving Miss Mills - Swan Queen [Bad Girls] -
LunaCeMore - By The Gods [Xena: Warrior Princess]
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magicalartist - Brave Enough [The 100]
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mechanicsofaheart1 - If those cells could talk [Wentworth] [WIP] -
Natasi - I can swear I feel the beating of a cold, cold heart by [Lost Girl]
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NikiFrost - 1976 [Swingtown] [WIP]
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NinaFey - Amazon Princesses and Many Mothers [Wonder Woman]
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Skye_La - Once at Hogwarts [Harry Potter]
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Skye_La - Professor Mills [Harry Potter]
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strangesmallbard - a tourist in the waking world [Doctor Who]
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strangesmallbard - no more dreaming like a girl (so in love with the wrong world) [Mass Effect]
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Swen and Chill - Of potions and bludgers [Harry Potter] [WIP]
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Terapsina - New York City Numbers [Person of Interest]
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theWickedWitchofFeels - My Emotions [Inside Out]
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wanderingaroundyoutube - An Evil Queen and a Savior in Ancient Greece [Xena: Warrior Princess]
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Wapwani - Home Is Where Your Kelda Is [Discworld]
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WerepuppyBlack - Once Upon a Game of Thrones [Game of Thrones] [WIP]
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withgirl - Definitely not Lupus [House M.D.]
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writetherest - A Kind Of Painful Progress [Wicked]