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Scroll To TopAnxiety (1)
TalesOfOnyxBats - A Speech
Domestic Violence/Abuse (3)
StarlightDreamcatcher - Could You Escort The Maid? [Robin/Regina]
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starsthatburn - Bruises [Hook/Emma] -
themetgayla - By Your Side [Hook/Emma]
Eating Disorder (11)
Ash M. Knight - Group Therapy [Regina]
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drunkenfucker - Dust From Heaven [Emma] [WIP]
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gaypanic - I Will Help You Love Yourself [Emma] [WIP]
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KH-Scribes - Her Sickness is Her Home [Regina] [WIP]
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LittleTayy - Control [Regina] [WIP]
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msinformed13 - Falling in Love (Apart) [Regina]
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reginaswifesaywhat - I’ll Love You Anyways [Regina]
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RowArk - My Little Ingénue [Emma] [WIP]
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SwanQueenUK - Kitchen Kisses [Emma | Henry]
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Timetravelingravenclaw17 - Too Much [Regina] [WIP]
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WritingForMySoul12 - Beautifully Unbroken [Emma]
Self-Harm/Suicide (62)
alwaysbringback-up - Map Of the Problematique
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anonymous_fangirl - Keep It A Secret [Regina] [WIP]
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AnotherEvilRegal - My Saviour [Regina]
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BigG1999 - Lost and Delirious [Emma]
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booklover4eva - Notes are cruel [Both]
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Caden_Parker - I Choose You [Regina]
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CatherineParker - There Is No Redemption For the Evil [Regina] [WIP]
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CoppeliaRose - The Dark Palace [Regina]
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DarkLightningEnvy - Ruined Flesh [Emma]
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Dathtato - The Divorce [Emma]
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Dynasty - Little Soldier [Regina]
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ellacj - And If I Fall Along the Way, Pick Me Up and Dust Me Off [Emma]
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ellacj - Ever After [Regina]
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ellacj - Good Night, My Shining Son [Henry]
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ellacj - I Called You a Friend [Regina]
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ellacj - Prick Your Finger (I Promise I'll Come For You) [Regina]
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emmareden - Need Your Light [Regina]
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EvilQueenRegina - Someone Save Me [Regina]
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Evil Regal Tease - I will always have you [Regina]
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fictorium - Addict Fic [Emma]
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gaypanic - I Will Help You Love Yourself [Emma] [WIP]
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HaleySmith947 - I can't do this... [Emma] [WIP]
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HeleSL - Dear Henry [Regina]
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InherentlyGray - All I Was Meant To Be [Emma] [WIP]
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intensedreams - Calm [Emma]
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intensedreams - Leaving [Emma]
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JaceRMontague - A Suicide Note from a Beautiful Blonde [Emma]
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Jossasund - A broken soldier [Emma]
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Jossasund - Let me help you [Emma]
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kahlen369 - dry your smoke-stung eyes, so you can see the light [Regina] [WIP]
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KSQ - Break Then Fall [Regina]
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KSQ - Loving Strangers [Both]
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LastKnight3219 - I'm Sorry [Emma]
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lightace - Artificial Nocturne [Regina]
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liveandlove1989 - Frozen in Time [Emma]
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Lotto95 - A dark place called home [Emma]
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madasaboxofcats - the sensation of falling [Regina]
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MajesticSerendipity - How Dare You! [Emma] [WIP]
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morewinepls - Never Mind the Future [Regina] [WIP]
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msinformed13 - Falling in Love (Apart) [Regina]
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ParrillaMySwanQueen - The Queens Secret [Regina] [WIP]
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PayItForwardYo - Empty [Regina]
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PhoenixRisingOnTheMoon - No Way Out [Regina]
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poisonousredapples - Is It My Fault? [Emma]
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postmortem - My year with Regina - April 11th [Emma]
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Prettygirlgraves - Waiting for the train [Emma] [WIP]
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Raeinspace - Pain [Regina]
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rebel_rebel_in_storybrooke - Bloodstream [Regina]
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RhysMerilot - The Long Road [Emma]
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silverraindrop - Oh, If You Knew What It Meant To Me [Regina] [WIP]
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SkullChaser90 - Enough I Am Not [Emma] [WIP]
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soulofsilence - 108 [Emma]
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soul_wanderer - Just let me go [Emma]
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swanqueenfic13 - Bridges [Regina]
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Swanqueenisbae - Crimson [Regina] [WIP]
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swanqueen_vauseman - Don't you dare do something stupid again [Emma] [WIP]
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swan_regal - Damaged Feathers [Emma] [WIP]
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TheBigDamnSavior - No One Noticed [Emma]
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thechosenswan - Shards of a Heart [Emma] [WIP]
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Timetravelingravenclaw17 - Too Much [Regina] [WIP]
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TooManyFandoms - Beauty As She Sleeps [Emma] [WIP]
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Wolf_Stevens - Break Down [Emma]
Substance Abuse (19)
1ScarredPixie - I Surrender [Emma] [WIP] -
Caden_Parker - I Choose You [Regina] -
FrankenSpine - A Place for Good and Evil [Emma] [WIP] -
gaypanic - it will never be enough [Emma] -
GodAndMonsters - Sober [Emma] -
herblondetoy - Once Upon an Itervention [Emma] [WIP] -
msinformed13 - Falling in Love (Apart) [Regina] -
Olivia_Janae - Enter The Dragon [Regina] -
RamblingtowardsEcstasy - Admissions of the Heart [Regina] -
RamblingtowardsEcstasy - Impressions of the Heart [Regina] -
RamblingtowardsEcstasy - Moments of the Heart [Regina] -
rebel_rebel_in_storybrooke - Bloodstream [Regina] -
rebel_rebel_in_storybrooke - Save Myself [Emma] -
RhysMerilot - The Way We Fall [Regina] [WIP] -
Rootcx - Truly Madly Deeply (Sleep Deprived) [Regina] [WIP] -
saxgoddess25 - The Darkest Hour Before Dawn [Both] -
StefiDelly - Subject 223 [Emma] -
ThatDamnCajun - The Heart's a Fragile Victim [Emma] [WIP] -
TinselPyre - Another Life [Emma]