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Scroll To TopSwan Queen Big Bang I (32)
222Ravens - Haven for this heart, shelter for this child
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A Magiluna Stormwriter - Metanoia
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anamatics - The Fiery Mountain and the Black Witch of the North
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antisocialgod - Feathers are Meant for the Sky
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BV_Ray - The Evil Seed
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ByTheDawn - Darkness Rising
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calliopes_muse - Complications of the Heart
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darkersky - Desperado
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directi0n - How We Started Off
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dustywords - conquest of spaces
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evilythedwarf - Just By Looking at Her
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fictorium - Miss United States
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Geekgrrllurking - The Pirate Queen
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ivanolix - Something That I Want
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just_liv - Death is inside the bones
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Katherine737 - Defining Home
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kirkmills - This Game We Play
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lightace - Artificial Nocturne
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littlegreenfish - Go the Distance
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LiveLoveLikeMe - An Easy Mistake
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mariathepenguin - Keep for me your sweetness
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MoonlitRamblings - Scour the Earth
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nirky - there is nothing in the world that we can count on
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OfEndlessWonder - All I Need
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rke - Counting Stars
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SharksWrites - Invisible Heirs
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sheepyshavings - There's a First Time for Everything
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sinandmisery - you are the moon that breaks the night [and may i never see the light]
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taintedidealist - A Storybrooke Carol
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wistfulwatcher - Many Miles to Avalon
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writetherest - A Kind Of Painful Progress
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YellowOblivion - A hazy shade of winter
Swan Queen Big Bang II – Banging All Summer (65)
acautionarytale - A World of Difference
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acrocera - Warriors and Witch Queens
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A Magiluna Stormwriter - Find My Way Back
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amycarey - The Road Not Taken
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anas_penelope - A Touch of Advice
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bonestrewn - Discordia
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btvsobsessed623 - Slaying in Storybrooke
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ByTheDawn - Destroy Their Design
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Celinejaneway - Enter The Circus
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Celinejaneway - Weary Dreams
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chilly_flame - That Good Something
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dustywords - time grabs you by the wrist
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elison - Worse Things Than a Shattered Chandelier
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FairyTaleArchetypes - Right Through My Walls
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fictorium - Bridges of Storybrooke County
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fictorium - Doctor Mills, Medicine Woman [WIP]
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fictorium - I'm looking at the bright lights [WIP]
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Habren - Tethered
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InBetweens - Gifted or Cursed Memories
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inkheart9459 - I Hate to Kill You (I Hate to Die)
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Jaina - Come Into Being
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Jaina - Slide
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Katherine737 - Love is Strength
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Katherine737 - Stay with me
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Katherine737 - The Oracle
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kirkmills - An Impractical Affliction
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lextenou - Always Earned, Never Given
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lextenou - Once Upon a Midsummer Fair
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lextenou - Pact of the Summerlands
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lightace - An Angel With No Wings
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littlegreenfish - I think I (don’t) love you.
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littlegreenfish - Our Hearts are Wrong
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little_scribbler - One Touch
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LiveLoveLikeMe - Small World
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LZClotho - Nine Months to Love
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michebellaxo - Cheating Death
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michebellaxo - Only One Thing More Delicious Than My Lasagna
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monetfun - Center Stage
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monetfun - We Will Not Grow Old
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NegativeBlue - The Weight of the World
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ninastougaard - Pas de Deux
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nirky - it's time that we grow old and do some shit
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nycz - A Pale Imitation
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onceuponanevilangel - A Fragile Line
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onceuponanevilangel - Friend Like Me
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Paradoxalpoised - A Change of Heart
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Paradoxalpoised - Maybe in My Words
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parakitty - Future Legend
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PhoenixTat - I will always find you
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Quinnavyre - I Feel It In My Bones (Staring Shadows In The Eye)
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RatchetTrash - Thinking Of Her
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raug_moss - Like Gravity, Like Love
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SharksWrites - Dead Hearts
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sheepyshavings - there’s a hole in my heart (but maybe you can fill it)
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Standbackufools - The Bitter Glass
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supermatique - The Shortest Distance Between Two Points (is a Line From Me to You)
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swanqueen_fangirl - Progress of Regina
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taintedidealist - Smoke and Mirrors
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taintedidealist - The Truth Is In The Echo
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themillersdaughtersmistress - Follow the Lady
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Thewhitestars - Suprises come in multitude
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tinglingworld - A Promise Kept
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weareevilregals - The Touches You Leave
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wistfulwatcher - Deliver Me
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writetherest - A Make Believe World
Swan Queen Big Bang III – Three Dollar Big Bang (40)
alinaandalion - The Last Five Years
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A Magiluna Stormwriter - til the truth unfolds
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amycarey - Too Wise to Woo Peaceably
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Applesaday - A New York Fairy Tale
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BlueHoneyBee - Be My Savior
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btvsobsessed623 - Ink and Petals
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celaenos - truths you have to grow into
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coalitiongirl - i met cupid (and he eats people)
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DanieXJ - Endurance in Darkness
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ellabell - The Meet
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EmmaShalForever - Episode I – The Orphan and the Queen
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evilythedwarf - All of my days
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Exquisiteliltart - The Dark Waves & Dreams Pop
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fictorium - violent delights (have violent ends)
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fievre - Life through the Same Lens
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gab95lin - Erratic Love
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Habren - Shattered
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HelveticaBrown - What a tangled web we weave
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iFlipForRizzles - The Secrets of Shattered Sexuality
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inkheart9459 - In Search of One Good Woman
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InsaneMagician - My Baby's Mama
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insanetwin - longing will snag itself on the reeds
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Jaina - Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Jinxter - Storybrooke Hill
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lextenou - Emma, the Protector of the Realm
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LZClotho - Sex and the Single Moms
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MoonlitRamblings - Transcending Realms
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NegativeBlue - Walking on Wires and Power Lines
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neverenough04 - An Ocean Between Us
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NightLady - Soaring Hearts
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Olivia_Janae - Home
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omgregina - Battling the Darkness
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red_streaks - Kill the Witch
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Shadowdianne - Submerged threads
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swansaloft - Keep Me without Chains
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theforgottenpromises - A Lonely Girl's Promise
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tinglingworld - Of Love and Loss and Memories (yours and mine and ours to come)
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TinyNerdsbian - Yes, Madam Mayor
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wistfulwatcher - it takes two to tango, and other dance cliches
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writetherest - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Swan Queen Big Bang IV – Four Letter Words (18)
acrocera - Fire Meet Gasoline
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Applesaday - Dog Days
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Applesaday - Supergirl
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BigG1999 - Flowers And Tattoos
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BigG1999 - Lost and Delirious
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detailsofyourincompetence - The Emma Swan Show (or: The Story of an Orphan Finding her Family. Just not the Way Everyone Expected.)
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Exquisiteliltart - Wishful Twinkling
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fictorium - Storybrooke
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fievre - The Fortune Cookie
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inkheart9459 - An Educated Guess
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NightWriter89 - She Keeps Me Warm
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orphan_account - In Plain Sight
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raug_moss - The Long Way Home
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RhysMerilot - Chasing Sunbeams and Paper Flowers
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swanqueen_vauseman - Don't you dare leave me
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The Last Good Name - Forgetful
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themillersdaughtersmistress - Manners Maketh the (Wo)Man
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Val_Creative - Looking Glass